Михаил Фреер
PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Essex
Research interests:
game theory, experimental economics, and revealed preference theory
Conference Presentations:
2021: SAET Annual Conference (Seoul, Korea – online)
2019: SAET Annual Conference (Ischia, Italy), XXVIII European Workshop on Economic Theory (Berlin, Germany), Royal Economic Society Meetings (Warwick, UK)
2018: Foundations of Utility and Risk (York, UK); 14th European Meeting on Game Theory – SING14 (Bayreuth, Germany); 71st European Meeting of the Econometric Society (Cologne, Germany)
2017: 28th International Conference on Game Theory (Stony Brook, NY); Economic Science Association World Meeting (San Diego, CA)
2016: Spanish Economic Association Meeting (Bilbao, Spain); Southern Economic Association Meeting (Washington, DC); Latin American Meeting of Econometric Society (Medellin, Colombia); UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications (Lisbon, Portugal); Foundations of Utility and Risk (Warwick, UK)
Professional Activity:
Referee: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Mathematical Social Sciences, Public Choice.
Service: ICES Lab Manager (2013-2014); ICES Recruiter manager (2014-2016), Organizing Committee member 24th Spring Meeting of Young Economists – SMYE2019 (2018-2019), Program Committee member 25th Spring Meeting of Young Economists – SMYE2020 (2019-), Ethics board at the Centre of Social Science at Nuffield College in Oxford University (2020-), Professor at Free University, Moscow –FUM (2020-)
Membership: Group for Advancement of Revealed Preferences (2017-2019)
I have received my Ph.D. from the Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science at George Mason University
'm a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Economics at the University of Essex. Previously I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the ECARES at the Université libre de Bruxelles and held a Research Associate position in the Department of Economics at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven). In addition, I was a member of the Group for the Advancement of Revealed Preferences (GARP).
Freer, M. and Martinelli, C. (2021) A Utility Representation Theorem for General Revealed Preferences. Mathematical Social Sciences, in press [PDF] Freer, M., Martinelli, C. and Wang, S. (2020) Collective Experimentation: A Laboratory Study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 175, 365-379[PDF] Castillo, M., Cross, P. and Freer, M. (2019). Nonparametric Utility Theory in Strategic Settings: Revealing Preferences and Beliefs from Games of Proposal and Response, Games and Economic Behavior, 115, 60-82. [PDF] Castillo, M. and Freer, M. (2018). Revealed Differences. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 145, 202-217. [PDF]