О курсе

Through games, simulation, debates and discussion various moral dilemmas will be presented in the classroom. Students will practice forming arguments, establishing strong listening and speaking skills and solving problems in the classroom settings regarding moral dilemmas. The topics will range from immigration to homelessness, death penalty, gender, environmental issues and educational reforms. Debate and presentation skills will be practiced as well as critical reading of texts. This classroom is meant to be interactive with hands-on activities, requiring high participation. The course intends to heighten the proficiency in English language academic skills as well as enhance critical thinking skills, providing a platform for rich, complex, nuanced and honest conversations.

Time: Wednesdays at 7:00pm Moscow time

  • Чему вы научитесь?

    Empowering students as creators is an essential part of the course. That means we, educators shift our professional thinking and instruction to enable authentic opportunities for students to
    individually and collaboratively tinker, build, inquire, design, and create. With that in mind, students will develop their own authentic moral dilemmas that they will present to class.

    1. Each student will lead a discussion on a specific moral dilemma theme.
    2. There will be occasional homework and readings to be done before class. Homework format might range from written to video or audio essays.
    3. Students participation and respectful attention to others’ participation are the bases of this seminar.

  • Пререквизиты

    This course is appropriate for bachelors or masters students. Intermediate level of English language proficiency is preferable


  • Тамрика Хвтисиашвили

    Tamrika Khvtisiashvili is a linguist, cultural anthropologist and an artist with a Ph.D in Theoretical Linguistics and Anthropology, Bachelors in Film Making and Masters in Language Teaching. Her dissertation research was on linguistic documentation and revitalization practices of indigenous and endangered languages. She developed strong interest in the rights of minority languages and its speakers and identity constructions in the areas of conflict. From ealry on, she championed social justice issues, advocating for the oppressed, people with less power and wronged populations. She has spent last 10 years as a consultant and contract worker for numerous U.S. Embassy initiatives around the world, teaching at universities and conducting many workshops, often finding herself in geographies with political and social conflict. Aside from being an educator she actively pursues her passions in film, radio and arts. She is an accomplished radio host, filmmaker, writer and conceptual artist. Born and raised in Tbilisi, Georgia by a Georgian father and Russian mother, she went to study in the United States at the age of 16 and never came back. She believes that our roots define us, but we reinvent ourselves daily. /// лингвист, культурный антрополог и художник, кандидат наук по теоретической лингвистике и антропологии, бакалавра по кинопроизводству и магистра по преподаванию языков. Ее диссертационное исследование было посвящено лингвистическому документированию и практикам возрождения коренных и исчезающих языков. Она проявила большой интерес к правам языков меньшинств и их носителей, а также к конструкциям идентичности в зонах конфликта. С самого начала она отстаивала вопросы социальной справедливости, выступая в защиту угнетенных, людей с меньшей властью. Последние 10 лет она провела в качестве консультанта и контрактного работника в многочисленных инициативах посольства США по всему миру, преподавая в университетах и ​​проводя множество семинаров, часто оказываясь в регионах с политическими и социальными конфликтами. Помимо работы в сфере образования, она активно занимается своими увлечениями в области кино, радио и искусства. Она опытная радиоведущая, режиссер, писательница и концептуальный художник. Родилась и выросла в Тбилиси, Грузии, с грузинским отцом и русской материю, но в 16 лет уехала учиться в США и не вернулась. Она считает, что наши корни определяют нас, но мы ежедневно изобретаем себя заново.


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  • Заявки принимаются только в гугл-форму